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Non-Boltzmann Populations

A basic level of a non-Boltzmann population distribution is available through setting the vibrational temperature, Tvib, which affects the relative populations of different vibronic states, or the spin temperature Tspin. It is also possible to specify the populations individually, for uses such as simulating double resonance spectra or nascent population distributions following reactions. It is also possible to fit these populations to measured intensities or band contours, as the populations are simply parameters that can be floated as any other; see the sections on Line Intensity Fitting and Contour Fitting. This process can also be used to simulate and fit time of flight or kinetic energy release spectra; use IntensityUnits = PopDist to ignore transition moments and just plot energy levels with populations derived as described in this section. Plots against velocity (in units of cm-1/2), rather than energy can be obtained by Setting PlotUnits to sqrtcm1.

The populations will show in the parameter area of a manifold; by default no populations will be set so this area will be empty. To set up population distributions, either:
  1. In the constants window, right click on the relevant manifold or state in the treeview.
  2. Select "Add All Levels"; this will add all the levels of that manifold or state (within the J range set up) and initialize them using the current Temperature and Tvib to calculate the population.
  3. You can get a matching table of energy levels and quantum numbers using the "List" button in the "Levels" window, providing the same manifold or state is selected.
or, to add individual levels:
  1. Use "View","States" to bring up the State Details Window.
  2. Select J, symmetry and Manifold such that one of the states of interest is displayed.
  3. In the "Eigenvalues" pane (the lower matrix) right click on the required energy level and select "Add to population selection".
  4. Repeat the above steps for all the required levels.
"View,Constants" will now show a parameter for each state at the manifold level. The "Value" column is the relative population. To activate these parameters set the temperature to a negative value; the individual populations will be ignored if the temperature is positive and the standard Boltzmann distribution will be used instead.

To remove the custom population entries, go to "View,Constants" and right click on the entries in the parameter pane for the manifold. There are items for removing selected or all the items.