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Fits involving many observations, states or sources are best approached by initial fits to parts of the data before attempting to fit all of the data simultaneously. The final structure would typically be a single .pgo file making use of multiple observations files, but there are several routes to this end point. For examples of larger applications using the techniques described below see:
The structure to aim for is a master observations
file (perhaps master.obs), which is a text file
containing multiple include
directives, which might look like:
include B0X0.obs
include B1X0.obs
include A0X0.pgo
include A1X0.pgo
The example has each band as a separate file, but
other divisions between files are also possible, such as:
When setting up with master files it is helpful to temporarily
exclude part of the files to diagnose problems, and there are
several ways to do this:
OverrideWeight 0 ... observations... OverrideWeight
The Residuals Window will
display the source file in the status bar when the mouse is
positioned over the observation, and right clicking on the
observation gives various options, including Edit
which will direct the external program to show the selected
observation. The included files will typically be edited in the
Slave Editor (if set up correctly)
or a second instance of PGOPHER. When fitting with
these external programs running, the external programs will be
directed to save the text or .pgo files before
starting each fit.
If the observations are held as a line list in separate .pgo
files, then some care is required editing the lines in these
files, as there is no automatic synchronisation of states and
constants between .pgo files. The most straightforward
work-flow has the structure of all the .pgo files
identical, and then following a fit using the master file or
some other adjustment the resulting states and constants can
then be exported to all the included .pgo files using
"File, Export, All To..." and selecting all the
included .pgo files. This will overwrite the selected
files with everything from the current file, except the contents
of the line list window.
An alternative work-flow has a smaller calculation in the
included files, perhaps only the states directly involved in the
band selected for that file. This is also possible, providing: