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Constants Plot

This shows a plot of selected constants as a function of state. It is most useful for diatomics, with states named so that the state name ends in the vibrational quantum number, such as B3Pigv=0, B3Pigv=1, ... or simply v=0, v=1, ... The plot below is of the centrifugal distortion constant, D, as a function of v for the B3Πg state of N2 from Triplet-Triplet transitions in N2.

Hovering the mouse over a point will show the underlying state and value. Right clicking on the plot will give a menu, including "Copy Table To Clipboard", which copies a table of the plotted values to the clipboard.

Adjusting the Plot

ReloadButton Replot constants.
Y:YAxis Select constant to plot. This list is populated with all non-zero parameters from the selected states, and an "All" entry.
X:XAxis Select the x axis; possible values are:
  • Index: Running number for the plotted states, starting from 1
  • Sub-Index - index within manifold, starting from 1
  • v - vibrational quantum number, taking it from the last number in each state name.
  • Origin - the state Origin.
  • Offset - the offset of the origin from the lowest state in the manifold.
LogY Take Log10(Abs(value))
ActiveObject Select the states to plot. A "*" is used to indicate the pattern of identified quantum numbers.
SeparateAxes If checked, use a separate axis for each type of constant; the vertical scale is shown as 0.0 - 1.0.
Join Join constants for each state when plotting.
ZoomButton Zoom to region selected by mouse.
ZoomOutButton Shrink plot
ResetZoomButton Reset plot zoom to fill window