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Empty Mixture Create a new mixture with no content. See here for an example of working this way.

Linear Molecule Create a mixture set up for a single 1Σ+ - 1Σ+ transition, with a band origin at 1000 cm-1 and upper and lower rotational constants of 1 cm-1. See Making a Linear Molecule data file for more details.

Asymmetric Top Create a simple asymmetric top data file. See Making an Asymmetric Top Data File for more details.

Symmetric Top Create a simple symmetric top data file. See Making a Symmetric Top Data File for more details.

Vibrational Spectrum Set up a basic data file for simulating vibrational structure. See Making a basic data file for simulating vibrational structure for more details.
Create a simple linear molecule data file with one state, suitable for simulating a microwave spectrum. See Making a Linear Molecule data file.

Asymmetric Top
As above for an asymmetric top microwave spectrum. See Making an Asymmetric Top Data File.

Symmetric Top As above for an asymmetric top microwave spectrum. See Making a Symmetric Top Data File.
I2 Add overlay of the visible absorption spectrum of I2 - see Calibrating Spectra.

Ne Add overlay of transitions of atomic Ne - see Calibrating Spectra.

Optogalvanic Ne Add overlay of transitions from an Optogalvanic Ne spectrum - see Calibrating Spectra.

Fe Add overlay of transitions of atomic Fe - see Calibrating Spectra.
Open any file, including parameter (.pgo) files and experimental data files for overlay (.dat, .ovr)
Save simulation parameters in a .pgo file. If a file name has not been specified then you will be prompted to browse for a suitable name.
Save As...
As for Save, but the standard save file dialog will appear to allow you to browse to a suitable file name.
Merge File...
As for open, but merge file into current file.
Import Old Pgopher... Load old (version 4 and below) PGOPHER data files. (The older PGOPHER program only handled linear molecules, and had a very different interface.)

Old D3h... Load old D3h data file. (The D3h program handled symmetric tops only.)

SPCAT/SPFIT file... Import molecular parameter (.par) data files for Herb Pickett's CALPGM/SPCAT/SPFIT spectroscopy program suite ( Note that not all files can be handled; you will see an error message if this is the case. Some files may also require manual adjustment after import

JB95 File... Import JB95 files (partial implementation).

HITRAN File... Import HITRAN file as external line list - see also Using HITRAN Files.

Binary File... Import binary overlay file

l matrix... Import normal modes from ab initio program output. See Importing l matrices for more details.

ExoMol File... Import ExoMol file - see Using ExoMol Files.

To Line List Window... Prompts for .pgo files, and imports line lists from the saved line list window contents to the current line list window
Export Line List... Export current simulation as a line list to a file. This prompts for a filename and then an intensity threshold, expressed as a fraction of the strongest line.

Main Plot... Export lower or only plot to a file. Possible formats include:
  • a text file (.txt, .dat) which contains a list of points plotted in a simple x, y format.
  • A .svg file, which can be read and edited by various graphics programs, including Firefox for reading and Inkscape for editing.
  • xfig format, associated with TEX.
See Exporting Plots for more information.

Top Plot...
Export top plot to a file - see above for possible formats

Constants To... Prompts for .pgo files, and overwrites constants from all matching states to the files.

All To... Prompts for .pgo files, and overwrites with everything from the current file, except the contents of the line list window
If checked, subsequent file loads (.pgo files and overlays) will merge with the current contents, rather than overwriting.
File Options Save Positions If checked (not the default) save window positions to the .pgo file when writing it.

Save Settings If checked (the default) save plot settings not recorded in the mixture to the .pgo file when writing it.

Load Positions If checked (the default) load window positions from a .pgo file when reading.

Load Settings If checked (the default) load plot settings from a .pgo file when reading.
Start a separate, independent copy of PGOPHER.
Load Overlay...
Load overlay from file
Add Overlay...
Load overlay from file, leaving the current overlays in place
Save Overlay
Save overlay(s) to file
Save Overlay As ...
Save overlay(s) to new file
Print current plot
Print Setup...
Setup printer
Recently Used Files

The last few files opened will appear here; select one to reload the file.
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