Molecule Types Asymmetric Tops <Prev Next>

Asymmetric Top Molecule

These are the settings for an asymmetric molecule as a whole, i.e. those common to all states (but perhaps different for different isotopologues).


nNuclei Number of nuclei to calculate hyperfine structure for. Leave this at 0 unless you want the hyperfine structure resolved.
Jmin Minimum J to use in calculation - set to -1 (default) to use value from the species.
Jmax Maximum J to use in calculation - set to -1 (default) to use value from the species.
Colour Colour - set to "None" to take value from elsewhere as explained in Determining Colours and J ranges.
PointGroup Point group - C1, Ci, C2, Cs, D2, C2v, C2h or D2h
Representation Representation - Ir, IIr, IIIr, Il, IIl or IIIl
SReduction Use Watson's S reduction (as opposed to A).
eeWt Statistical weight for ee levels for totally symmetric vibronic states. The weights will be permuted appropriately for vibronic states of other symmetry.
eoWt Statistical weight for eo levels for totally symmetric vibronic states.
oeWt Statistical weight for oe levels for totally symmetric vibronic states.
ooWt Statistical weight for oo levels for totally symmetric vibronic states.
C2zAxis a, b, or c; C2 axis in C2v; out of plane axis in Cs - see Axis systems and symmetries for asymmetric tops
C2xAxis a, b, or c; out of plane axis in C2v
PseudoC2v Ignore any operators breaking C2v symmetry - see Pseudo C2v Symmetry
FakeSym Turn off transition moment test - see the discussion in Pseudo C2v Symmetry


Abundance Abundance of this isotope; default is 1