Molecule Types Linear Molecules <Prev Next>

Linear Molecule State

This contains the rotational constants and other information specific to each state within a linear molecule. Note that PGOPHER will calculate Hund's cases (a) and (b) exactly. Other cases can be handled, but typically require more work to set up. For Hund's case (c), for example it may make sense to treat the various components of a state separately, which is possible by setting up multiple copies of the state and making use of the OmegaSelect and/or ParitySelect settings. For example the two halves of a 2Π state can be treated separately by setting up two 2Π states, one with OmegaSelect = ½ and one with OmegaSelect = 3/2.


Colour Colour - set to "None" to take value from elsewhere as explained in Determining Colours and J ranges.
S Electron Spin
Lambda Electronic angular momentum - use Sigma-, Sigma+, Pi, Delta, Phi, Gamma, H, I or a numerical value
gerade true for gerade states; ignored if molecule is not symmetric.
ParitySelect Possible values are all (normal use), e_only (only include e levels) and f_only (only include f levels).
OmegaSelect Set to all for normal use; set to a specific value to restrict the state to a specfic value of Ω


Origin State Origin.
Width Linewidth (rotation independent) for state.
B Rotational constant. Rotation
A Spin-orbit coupling constant. Spin-Orbit
LambdaSS Spin - spin coupling constant (=1.5*ε). Spin-Spin
o Spin-spin coupling constant giving lambda doubling for Omega = 0 states. Λ Doubling
theta Higher Order Spin-Spin interaction (S>=2 only). Spin-Spin
Gamma Spin rotation coupling constant. Spin-Rotation
p Lambda doubling constant. Λ Doubling
q Lambda doubling constant. Λ Doubling
D Quartic centrifugal distortion. Rotation
H Sextic centrifugal distortion. Rotation
L J8 centrifugal distortion. Rotation
M J10 centrifugal distortion. Rotation
PP J12 centrifugal distortion. (Not P to avoid confusion with p.) Rotation
AD Centrifugal distortion of A. Spin-Orbit
LambdaD Centrifugal Distortion of Lambda. Spin-Spin
LambdaH J4 Centrifugal Distortion of Lambda. Spin-Spin
oD Centrifugal distortion of o. Λ Doubling
oH J4 Centrifugal distortion of o. Λ Doubling
oL J6 Centrifugal distortion of o. Λ Doubling
pD Centrifugal distortion of p. Λ Doubling
pH J6 Centrifugal distortion of p. Λ Doubling
pL J8 Centrifugal distortion of p. Λ Doubling
qD Centrifugal distortion of q. Λ Doubling
qH J6 Centrifugal distortion of q. Λ Doubling
qL J8 Centrifugal distortion of q. Λ Doubling
gammaD Centrifugal distortion of gamma. Spin-Rotation
gammaH J6 Centrifugal distortion of gamma. Spin-Rotation
gammaL J8 Centrifugal distortion of gamma. Spin-Rotation