nNuclei |
Number of nuclei to calculate hyperfine structure for.
Leave this at 0 unless you want the hyperfine structure
simulated. |
Jmin |
Minimum J to use in calculation - set to -1 (default) to
use value from the species. |
Jmax |
Maximum J to use in calculation - set to -1 (default) to
use value from the species. |
Colour |
Colour - set to "None" to take value from elsewhere as
explained in Determining Colours
and J ranges. |
JAdjustSym |
If set, energy level plots
and Fortrat diagrams will take account of the alternation in
symmetry with J.
For linear molecules a given energy level will typically
alternate between + and - parity with J (hence the e/f notation). Note that
this should be set to False
if simulating hyperfine structure as otherwise confusing
results can be obtained.
BlockMatrix |
Set to force check of
Hamiltonian matrix for factorization into blocks before
diagonalization. If blocks are found, these are diagonalized
separately, ensuring states that have no connecting matrix
elements are not accidentally mixed if the eigenvalues
happen to be very close. In principle, if full use is made
of symmetry and states are separated into separate manifolds
as appropriate, this should not be necessary but can easily
happen if selected terms in the Hamiltonian are zero or
interactions between states are omitted.
Symmetric |
Set true if the molecule has a centre of symmetry, and g
or u must be specified for individual states. |
SymWt |
Statistical weight of symmetric rotational levels, or all
levels if no centre of symmetry. See Making
a linear molecule data file for how to set this up if
there is a centre of symmetry. Note that any nucleus for
which hyperfine structure is to be calculated should not be
included in calculating the statistical weights - see under the linear nucleus settings for
notes on the required calculation.
If there is no centre of symmetry this can be left at 1,
unless nuclear spin states are required in the partition
function. Versions of PGOPHER before 8.0.217 forced this,
and loading old data files will set SymWt to 1.
AsymWt |
Statistical weight of asymmetric rotational levels.
Ignored if no centre of symmetry.
RSquaredH |
Set to use the R2
Hamiltonian rather than the default N2 form. |
ShowJ |
Show J in state label. |
ShowOmega |
Show Omega in state label. |
ShowN |
Show N in state label. |
ShowFNumber |
Show F Number in state label. |
Showef |
Show e/f symmetry in state label. |