Version 9.0.101 (5 July
2015): Update of Mac version only, to
avoid hard crash on some error messages. Mac users should update.
Minor updates to documentation also.
Version 9.0.100 (11 June 2015): A draft
release of version 9. New features include faster calculations for
larger problems,
Loomis-Wood plots,
a wider selection of units for calculated quantities (for example
Angstroms and Oscillator Strength), a
Vibrational Partition
Function for calculating complete partition functions, a
Check Derivatives
command to assess the accuracy of numerical derivatives, other
tools to assist in fitting and many other smaller improvements and
bug fixes. See the
release notes for a
more detailed list.
.pgo files from older versions will
work without modification in the new version, except in a few
unusual cases, which will give a warning message on loading. A
permanent DOI will be made available for the new version shortly.
Version 8.0.102 (11 December 2013): Minor update to fix
crashes in energy level plots in the Mac version, and some issues
with vibrational calculations. See the
notes for a more detailed list of problems fixed; there are
no new features
Version 8.0 (2 December 2013): A significant new
release of
PGOPHER, with the major new feature being the
addition of the calculations involved in a
Force Field Analysis to
This allows vibrational frequencies and many other related
quantities including Franck-Condon factors and centrifugal
distortion distortion constants to be calculated from a force
field expressed in terms of bond bending and stretching
coordinates or symmetry coordinates. Fitting the force field to
any reasonable combination of observations is also possible, and
this has been set up so that scaling or otherwise adapting
initio force fields is straightforward. Other significant
new features include:
See the
release notes for a detailed list
of changes, including notes on
from previous versions.
Version 7.1 (13 September 2010): Bug fix release - In the
vibrational only mode, linear molecule Franck-Condon factor
calculations for states with non zero vibronic angular momentum
had incorrect intensities, as the degeneracies were not properly
accounted for. A few other
minor issues
have also been fixed.
New in version 7.0 (15 June 2010): Apart
from many minor improvements and bug fixes, several features have
been added at the request of users:
- Interactive adjustment
parameters with the mouse.
- Fits to combination differences.
- Uncertainties in calculated line positions can now be
estimated from the results of least squares fitting. This is
enabled by the ShowEstUnc
setting at the top level.
- A separate nuclear spin temperature can be set, Tspin, to model the non
equilibration of nuclear spin states on cooling, such as the
ortho and para states in H2.
- Alternative, simplified line
list format.
- A command line version of PGOPHER is also now
available, with text or Binary
format output. This is particularly suitable for using PGOPHER with other
- Doppler double peak line shape, as
often found in Fourier transform microwave spectroscopy which
can be used in addition to the standard Gaussian, Lorentzian
and Voigt line shapes.
New in the previous version (6.0):
- A mode for simulating vibrational
structure, including anharmonic and Renner-Teller
effects, starting from a harmonic model. The intensity
calculation includes full multidimensional Franck-Condon
factors taking account of both mode displacements and mixing
between modes (The Dushinsky effect).
- Spectra in the presence of static
external electric and/or magnetic fields can now be
simulated, including plots of energy levels against electric
field suitable for predicting Stark deceleration, focusing and
trapping of molecules.
general purpose program for simulating and fitting rotational,
vibrational and electronic spectra. It represents a distillation
of several programs written and used over the past decade or so
within the Bristol
laser group and elsewhere, but is a re-write from scratch
to produce a general purpose and flexible program. PGOPHER will handle
linear molecules and symmetric and asymmetric tops, including
effects due to unpaired electrons and nuclear spin, with a
separate mode for vibrational structure. The program can handle
many sorts of transitions, including Raman, multiphoton and
forbidden transitions. It can simulate multiple species and
states simultaneously, including special effects such as
perturbations and state dependent predissociation. Fitting can
be to line positions, intensities or band contours.
Most calculations will run on any machine;
larger calculations involving multiple states can benefit from
more memory or processors. Some features, particularly Interactive
fits, are much easier with a two or three button mouse rather than
a trackpad or touch screen.