The B1E" state of NH2D and ND2H
The work is described in A.K. Saha, G. Sarma,
C-H Yang, S. van de Meerakker, D.H. Parker and C.M. Western, Phys.
Chem. Chem. Phys., (2015), doi:10.1039/C5CP01299F
and C. H. Yang, G. Sarma, A. K. Saha, D. H. Parker and C. M.
Western, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 15, 6390 (2013), doi:10.1039/c3cp00012e.
It is 2+1 multiphoton ionization electronic spectrum, made
slightly more complicated as both the upper and lower electronic
state have two interacting vibrational or vibronic states. See
also The Jahn-Teller effect in the B state of
NH3 for the vibrational energy levels.
- In the ground state the re are two tunnelling split states,
here labelled v=0 and v=1, linked by a JaJc
type perturbation.
- In the B1E" excited state there are two closely
spaced states, here labelled A2
and B1, which correspond to the
two components of an electronic state that is degenerate (E") in
NH3 and ND3. The terms that mix them
reflect the fact that the degeneracy is not completely broken on
isotopic substitution - see doi:10.1039/C5CP01299F.
The sample simulation for NH2D shows an overall
spectrum (top, black) and transitions two the two indivi dual
states (middle, blue=A2 and bottom, red=B1). This is selected
with the plot style button (
given colours set for the individual states.
- There are two transition moments, from v=0 in the ground state
to A2 and B1
in the excited state. As discussed in doi:10.1039/c3cp00012e
interference between these two states has a significant effect
on the intensities - try changing the sign of one of the Strength
Data Files
Both the .pgo files and the linelist files used as input to the
published fits are given here. Note the use of a constrain statement to force
the C values in the two upper states to be identical:
Constrain NH3.ND2H.B.B1.C := NH3.ND2H.B.A2.C