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This is the topmost object in the hierarchy, and there will be only one of these objects for a simulation. It contains the parameters and settings that are common to all molecules included in the simulation. The data files PGOPHER uses (.pgo) thus contain one mixture, with all other objects contained within it, and the name of the mixture will normally be the name of the file. The Mixture object contains one or more Species and Simulation objects. Note that many or the parameters were moved into the Simulation object in version 5.2.


Units Units for calculation of frequencies/energy - valid values are cm1 (cm-1), MHz, Kelvin and eV. The key change this makes is in calculating Boltzmann factors from temperature and for selected intensity units; the units are otherwise not significant.
PrintLevel Controls the amount of printout in the Log window. Possible values, in order of increasing amount of output are:
  • plNone: no output
  • plDefault: Mainly for internal use, but as plNone
  • plMinimal: Currently as plNone
  • plBasic: Show constants
  • plDetail: Show symbolic matrix elements associated with each constant, where available.
  • plLineList: Show lines
  • plEigenVectors: Show details of all calculated states, including eigenvector make up
  • plHamiltonian: Show all Hamiltonian matrices
  • plMatrices: Show (almost) all matrices, including transition matrices
  • plAll: All possible output; can force more output while fitting.
Precision Precision of printout (decimal places after the point).
BasisOrder How to order the basis states making up a basis. Valid values are: boDefault, boDiagonal and boStateDiagonal.
JAdjustSym If set, energy level plots and Fortrat diagrams will take account of the alternation in symmetry with J that is often found. For example in linear molecules an energy level will typically alternate between + and - parity with J (hence the e/f notation).
QuantumNumberFormat Controls how quantum numbers are read and displayed.Possible values are:
  • J: Values are displayed as integer or integer + 0.5, such as 2 and 3.5. On input, strings contain /2 are also accepted, such as 7/2 (=3.5)
  • 2J: All quantum numbers are doubled, and always display and must be read as integers. This was the default for versions before 5.2
  • 2J+1/2: The value displayed is the quantum number + 0.5, but otherwise as for J
  • 2J-1/2: The value displayed is the quantum number - 0.5, but otherwise as for J
FitCycles Number of least squares fit cycles to do on each press of a "fit" button.
If true, display more information following a fit, currently a singular value decomposition of the parameters.
AutoReplot If false, automatic recalculation of the simulation is disabled in some circumstances. Use if the program is running slowly.
ContourFile If set, read an observation file when contour fitting, typically to set constraints
AllowComplex If set, calculations will be performed using complex wavefunctions if there are matrix elements that require it. Otherwise purely imaginary matrix elements are forced to be real.


Several of these can be set from the tool bar in the main window.
SVDThresh In least squares fitting, discard singular value decomposition eigenvalues below this value
ScaleChanges In least squares fitting, scale proposed changes in parameters by this; the default is 1, but smaller values may help fits with convergence problems.