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Transition Selection and Details Window

This window allows transitions with selected state, quantum numbers and rovibronic (rotational × vibrational × electronic) symmetry to be displayed. This is especially useful for finding ground or excited state common differences, where a set of transitions either start or end with the same rotational level. To do this, select a particular J and possibly rovibronic symmetry or eigenvalue number for the upper or lower state, and set the values for the other state to "all" (clear the box, or use the lowest value on the spin boxes). Then press the Simulate button (if necessary) to simulate the selected transitions. To revert to the original simulation, press the Simulate button in the main window. Matrices of the transition moment operator are also displayed in this window if the selection is restricted to a single upper and lower state J and symmetry. If External Fields are present, the "J" is replaced by M and the symmetry is ignored.

Click on the picture below for more information.

SimulateButton Simulate selected transitions
AllButton Plot entire (selected) spectrum
Select the transition moment(s)
Select the upper manifold or state.
Label4UpperJLabel3UpperSymmetryLabel12UpperIndexALabel QnoAU BLabel QnoBU Upper state J,  rovibronic symmetry, eigenvalue number and other quantum numbers. Use blank or 'all' to leave a particular setting unrestricted.
Label10JChangeSymChange IndexChange QnoAD QnoBD Select changes in given quantum numbers. Use blank or 'all' to leave a particular setting unrestricted.
FullCalculation If set, do full calculation but select displayed transtions involving selected state(s). If clear, only include selected states in the basis for the calculation.
LowerObject Lower manifold or state
Label5LowerJLowerSymmetryLowerIndexQnoAL QnoBL Lower state J, rovibronic symmetry, eigenvalue number and other quantum numbers. Use blank or 'all' to leave a particular setting unrestricted.
Label9Add Add selected lines to line list window
Replace Replace contents of line list window with selected lines
Skip Leave line list window unchanged
PlotLines Plot selected lines
Perturbations Include Perturbations in calculating transitions
Label11ExcitationRankExcitationType For double resonance transitions, rank and change in J in excitation step. Note that the line intensities are updated to reflect this, but the transition matrices are not. Leave at "Simple" for normal calculations.
OrgPanel Key to quantum numbers for basis states
Check to display S or S½ rather than Spol or Spol½. See Transition Matrix Elements and Line Strengths for a discussion of this.
OrgGrid When a transition of a particular upper and lower J, and symmetry, is selected, and the transition is allowed, transition moments in the undiagonalized basis are shown in this matrix, with the ground state basis shown down the left-hand side and the upper state basis shown across the top of the matrix.
TranPanel Key to quantum numbers for states
Check to display S or S½ rather than Spol or Spol½. See Transition Matrix Elements and Line Strengths for a discussion of this.
Square Check to display the squares of the values in the matrix.
TranGrid This contains the transition moments in the diagonalized basis