A simple linear
molecule file can be generated from File, New, Linear Molecule.
This initializes the program for a molecule with a band origin of 1000
cm-1and B' = B'' = 1 cm-1. To adjust
the constants (and set the type of vibronic transition) use select View, Constants.
Most constants and settings can be left unchanged at their default
values (and indeed should be unless you need a specific effect) but the
ones that must normally be changed are adjusted as follows:
If the molecule has a centre of symmetry, click on "Linear
Molecule" and set Symmetric
= "True". You will also
need to set the statistical weights in the same
window. For diatomic molecules with nuclear spin I the values should be:
All the settings and values listed above under the ground state.
(spherical) transition moment
may also need adjusting,; the default is for a standard one photon
electric dipole transition. See here for Raman
or multiphoton transitions.