Publications which use PGOPHER
should cite using one or both of the following:
Program for Simulating Rotational, Vibrational and Electronic
Structure, C. M. Western, University of Bristol,
- PGOPHER version
8.0, C M Western, 2014, University of Bristol Research Data
Repository, doi:10.5523/bris.huflggvpcuc1zvliqed497r2.
This provides a permanent link with a digital object identifier
(doi) to a specific version. (Updated versions will have a new
In submitting manuscripts, consider submitting one or more of the
following as supplementary information:
- The .pgo file(s) used in the paper. (They are
actually text files in XML format, so do not normally require
special handling).
- If fitting, the fit log file (from the log
window) run with PrintLevel
= Detail. This will ensure all the potentially
important additional information is included, such as the
correlation matrix and matrix elements used.
- Similarly a calculated line list should be run with PrintLevel = Detail,
or select "Info+Text" if using "File", "Export".
I would also appreciate being informed of any publications using PGOPHER.