PGOPHER <Prev Next>

The Slave and TabSlave Editors

These are simple text editors, with the standard basic functions for text editing with a couple of features added to make working with PGOPHER easier:
  1. When starting a fit from PGOPHER (or other feature using external files), the contents of all modified open slave editor files are saved to disk.
  2. Right clicking on the assigned lines marks in the plot window or points in the residual plot can bring the slave editor to the front and move the cursor to the relevant line.
It is also optimized for handling text files from different operating systems, and can read and write files with any of the standard (Windows or Unix) line endings.

The TabSlave version only differs in allowing multiple files to be open at once in different tabs.


In use it is a simple text editor. The only point that needs care is that if the automatic save feature is enabled, then if the file name is not set (as for a new file) or the file can't be written then PGOPHER will not run fits. The slave editor window will normally come to the front in these circumstances.

The status bar fields are character number, line number, Modified display (blank if not changed since the last save) and keystroke recording status

Menu Items


Open (Ctrl+O)
Open a file
New (Ctrl+N)
Create a new file

Reload file from disk

Close file
Save (Ctrl+S)
Save file

Save As...
Save file with new name

Open File at Cursor (Ctrl+Enter) Read the file name at the current cursor position, and open it in a separate slave editor window.

Start File at Cursor (Alt+Enter)
Execute file with name under cursor (as if double clicked in explorer)

Open a separate slave window

Print the file

Print Preview
Preview printing of the current file

Close the editor

Undo (Ctrl+Z)
Undo last edit
Redo last undone action
Cut (Ctrl+X)
Copy selected text to the clipboard and delete it
Copy (Ctrl+C)
Copy selected text to the clipboard.

Clear (Ctrl+Del)
Delete selected text
Paste (Ctrl+V)
Paste selected text from the clipboard

Select All (Ctrl+A)
Select all the text
Find... (Ctrl+F)
Bring up dialog to find text
Find Next (F3)
Find next occurrence of the text that was last looked for

Find Word (F2)
Find next occurrence of the word at the cursor

Replace... (Ctrl+R)
Bring up dialog box for searching and replacing text.

Go To Line... (Ctrl+G)
Prompt for line number to go to.

Set Bookmark (Ctrl+B)
Set the bookmark to the current cursor location

Exchange with Bookmark (Shift+Ctrl+B)
Exchange cursor and bookmark locations

Goto Bookmark
Move cursor to bookmark

Increment (F11)
Increment number under cursor. This is most useful when recording keystrokes

Decrement (Shift+F11)
Decrement number under cursor

Remove Tabs
Replace tabs with spaces in selected text.

Set Tab Spacing...
Prompt for the tab spacing; the default is 8.
Sort Up
Sort the lines in the file in ascending order. To indicate the columns to sort on select the appropriate characters in one line.
Sort Down
Sort the lines in the file in descending order. To indicate the columns to sort on select the appropriate characters in one line.

Record KeyStrokes (Shift+F12)
Start recording key strokes (and menu selections). To stop recording, select this menu item again. "Recording" is indicated in the status bar while recording.

Play Macro (F12)
Execute the recorded actions again.
Choose the font used to display text

Keep Backup
If selected (the default) then rename the previous version of the file (as <filename>.bak>) before saving the file.

Alien Newline
If not selected (normally the default, but see "Preserve Newline") then the normal line ending character(s) are used on saving the file:
  • Windows: Carriage Return and Line Feed
  • Unix/Mac: Line Feed only.
If selected the alternative style is used.

Preserve Newline
If selected (the default) then the line ending used in a file is determined on reading, and used to set "Alien Newline" so that the line ending is preserved on saving.

If selected (the default) then the editor will respond to requests from PGOPHER to save the file.

Display the version of the editor.