Objects Mixture Species <Prev Next>


There can be one or more molecules within each species; there should be one molecule for each isotopomer. To add another molecule, either:
  1. Right-click on the species you are adding to in the tree view and select "Add new...", then select a linear, symmetric top or asymmetric top molecule
  2. Right click on a similar molecule entry (it must be of the same type) and select "copy", then right click where you want the new molecule to be and select paste.
The latter method is particularly effective for adding another isotope as the parameters and settings will be largely similar. Note that it is possible to copy and paste between independent copies of PGOPHER should you want to use a molecule from a completely different file as a starting point. 

The settings given here are common to all different types of mixture.  Details of other settings are given in the sections for linear, symmetric top and asymmetric top molecules.


nNuclei Number of nuclei to calculate hyperfine structure for. Leave this at 0 unless you want the hyperfine structure resolved.
Jmin Minimum J to use in calculation - set to -1 (default) to use value from species.
Jmax Maximum J to use in calculation - set to -1 (default) to use value from species.
Colour Colour - set to "None" to take value from elsewhere as explained in Determining Colours and J ranges.


Abundance Abundance of this isotope; default is 1