Known Problems and Limitations
Please check the website,
and the beta version page
for updates.
The following are not implemented in the current version of PGOPHER,
but may be in a future version:
- Spherical Tops
- Nuclear spin effects in symmetric tops are limited to nuclei on
the symmetry axis only.
- Electron Spin effects in Symmetric Tops.
- Magnetic dipole transitions in Symmetric Tops
- Internal rotation effects
- Vibrational
dependence of rotational constants. (The current design requires the
constants for each vibronic state to be entered separately.)
Known problems
- The Help menu only works on Microsoft Windows (but the
documentation can be read using any web browser).
- The Linux and Mac versions are less polished than the windows
version. Any problems are, however, likely to
affect the user interface only, rather than the calculations. (A
test suite for the calculations passes on all systems.)
Upgrading from previous versions
Newer versions of PGOPHER
can always read files from older versions, though design changes may
mean some changes must be made on loading, as noted below. Older
versions can normally read files from newer versions, though use of new
feature can trigger a warning about unread items. If an error prevents
the file from loading at all in an older version, an ordinary text
editor can be used to remove the problem item if use of an older
version is essential.
- After 6.0.188 the ContourFile
setting has been moved to the Overlays object. This setting change
cannot be made automatically, as it will be in a different file, but a
notification is displayed.
- After 6.0.199 the JAdjustSym
setting has been moved to be a
per Molecule,
setting. Old data files will be updated
automatically on loading.
- After 6.0.224 the Correlations
object is written to the .pgo
file if ShowEstUnc is set, which
cause an error in previous versions. Turn off ShowEstUnc
if compatibility is required with previous versions.
- After 6.0.228 IntensityUnits = EinsteinASum is required to
achieve the old IntensityUnits = EinsteinA behavior, with EinsteinA now giving a
radiative rate. EinsteinA
is converted to EinsteinASum
reading old data files. See Intensity
Formulae for a description of the settings.
Fixed problems and other changes
- New Features in 7.0.101
- Interactive adjustment
of parameters with the mouse.
- Simplified line list format for fitting introduced as an
alternative to the standard format, designed particularly for use with
line lists from external sources.
- IntensityUnits = EinsteinA now comes in two
varieties, EinsteinA
and EinsteinASum (the old
behavior). Detailed documentation of all the IntensityUnits settings is
now provided under Intensity Formulae.
- Transitions Window now
option to display Hönl-London
instead of the Spol
related matrix elements currently displayed.
- "Weight" is now referred to as "Standard Deviation" or "Std
Dev" throughout, including fit outputs
and the line list window. This makes
clearer that the weights required are the (relative) standard
rather than their reciprocal which might be implied by the name.
- Estimated uncertainties in calculated line positions are now
calculated in line listings, and displayed in the line list window if ShowEstUnc
is set at the top level. To implement this, standard deviations of
parameters, and the correlations between them, are now displayed in the
constants window (note the Correlations
object) and are now saved in .pgo
files if ShowEstUnc is set.
- Correlations between observations can now be set in line lists
for least squares fitting using the correlation
- Default for SVDThresh
changed to 1e-15, and least squares fit adjusted to provide more
information when combinations of parameters are not changed.
- Binary format for line list
output, controlled by additional PrintLevel
- BlockMatrix setting, to
check Hamiltonian matrix for factorization into blocks before
diagonalisation. If blocks are found, these are diagonalized
separately, ensuring states that have no connecting matrix elements are
not accidentally mixed if the eigenvalues happen to be very close.
Defaults to on.
- Initial implementation of C4h, C5h, C6h, S4, S6, S8, S10, S12. (Not fully tested.)
- Initial hyperfine implementation for symmetric tops - currently
on-axis quadrupole and nuclear spin-rotation only.
- Compress of experimental
overlays can now specify new x axis interval instead of number of
points to average.
- Use LAPACK singular value decomposition routine in least
squares fitting.
- Calibration fits now use standard deviation of a parameter from
the last cycle as increment for numerical derivatives in the next cycle.
- Toggle between arbitrary and normalized vertical scale for
- Print and export to file available by right clicking any plot.
- .pgo files and .ovr files can also be read if they are renamed
to have an extension of .xml, which simplifies handling of these files.
- Fits to combination
- Prompt on import item on Overlays menu to force prompting for
layout of data on import.
- Adjust automatic naming of plots within overlays.
- Doppler double peak line
shape, as in Fourier transform
microwave spectroscopy.
- Add upper and lower state energy and intensity to line list
input selection.
- Overlay units default to the current plot units, rather than cm-1.
- Read normal modes from Gaussian output files where
(recommended) option freq=hpmode
is used.
- NoLineList setting in
Mixture to allow larger calculations.
- Tspin parameter in
simulations to allow for non-equilibrated nuclear spin states.
- Parameter context menu in constants window has entry to show
full parameter name for setting constraints.
- Fixed problems in 7.0.101
- IntensityUnits = PopDist or NormPopDist intensity values
not display correctly in the line list window.
- Franck-Condon factors for linear molecules with vibrational or
electronic angular momentum were calculated incorrectly in some cases.
- "Square" checkbox on Transition Selection was ignored.
- Updates to import of SPCAT/SPFIT input files, mainly for
symmetric tops.
- Quote "<" and ">" in attribute values, so XML produced is
- (Global)MoveUp/MoveDown for vibrational not working reliably.
- State/Manifold not displayed for vibrational wavefunctions.
- Vibrational mode names beginning with numbers produced
unreadable .pgo files.
- Fit can fail if more than one species present
- Join of experimental plots was discarding offset and scale.
- Export of plot as text file could loose traces.
- Wrong symbolic matrix element for spin-spin constant in
vibrational structure mode.
- Allow all symmetry names in custom populations.
- Etalon actual positions set wrongly if actual position
specified for one or both starting peaks.
- Molecule names can now have spaces in them, though this is not
- Log window could be invisible if main window fills screen.
- Detection of line list in imported text files broken.
- Discard lines with negative width, and display warning message.
- Name change of vibrational mode not propagated properly.
- Intensity fits not always converting units correctly.
- Convoluting an overlay with a line width incompletely
- Import of JPL .cat files as overlay was broken.
- Eigenvalue selection problems in transition selection window.
- QuantumNumberFormat J+1/2 directive not recognized in input
- Fixed crash on empty mixture.
- Fixed possible crash when adding to overlay when overlays
window open.
- 64 bit compilation fixes.
- Fixed problems in 6.0.111
- New Features in 6.0.110 (Note that not all changes have been
for this major revision)
- Wavefunctions can now be complex
if necessary, though this is
disabled by default.
- State dependent widths implemented for symmetric tops.
- Variable character size on printer, clipboard and exported
plots can now be disabled.
- Convolute option
added to experimental plots to allow them to be convoluted with the
simulation linewidth(s).
- "Add all levels" to prepare custom populations can now be
applied to a state as well as a manifold.
- Add InterpolatedPartitionFunction
objects to allow partition functions to be generated from external
tables as a function of temperature, such as those available from
- Partial implementation of C3h symmetry.
- Add (partial) import of OceanOptics .ProcSpec files.
- Symmetry directive in
observations file to select symmetry to use on BranchFormat input for
cases such as symmetric tops where two otherwise identical transitions
are found.
- Add centrifugal distortion of qplus term for symmetric tops.
- Implement 'auto' component for transition moments in symmetric
- Add symmetric top to the choice available in File, New.
- Pick destination form switched to using radio buttons to select
destination channels and add "None" button.
- Spin terms added as perturbation types for asymmetric tops,
allowing higher centrifugal distortion terms in spin-rotation coupling
to be added.
- Add "ScalePrev"
setting to perturbation types to allow fixed combinations of operators
to be expressed, such as that required for Bbar in
asymmetric tops.
- "Split", "As Linelist" , "Hide Out of Range" operations
to overlay menu on plot.
- "Copy Branch Table" added
"More" menu on line
list form
- "Spline" option
and dialog box in calibration form.
- Log output control ("PrintLevel")
- Detailed printout of parameters and matrix elements to log if PrintLevel set appropriately.
- Initial External Molecule implementation.
- State eigenvector can now be limited to displaying the n largest contributors to any
state, rather than all basis states.
- Fixed problems in 6.0
- kl label not always
generated from the correct state for symmetric top transitions
involving degenerate states.
- Intensities of transitions arising from a rotational magnetic
moment in a linear molecule were a factor of 3 too large. The default
units have also been switched to nuclear magnetons, μN, from
Bohr magnetons, μB.
- Plots exported as SVG can now be read directly by Firefox.
- For transitions with contributions from multiple ranks (e.g.
rank 0 and rank 2 together) some low J transitions could be excluded
- Jmax for upper manifold was being taken from lower manifold
- Multiphoton transitions in symmetric tops had been broken by
previous change.
- HITRAN line list input can now cope with states with
vibrational angular momentum.
- Accept .5 as well as 0.5 for quantum number input.
- Allow "$$" at start of line for comment in .jdx files.
- Allow "," at end of free format numbers in .jdx files.
- Adding new transition moment for symmetric top molecules failed
in tree view.
- Adjust branch format (such as pQ(10)) to make use on input
- Bitmap overlays would not save after being compacted (needed
fix to pngimage library).
- Edit, Copy Picture and File, Export, Plot menu items split into
separate items for Fortrat and main plot window. Also fix right click
on plots to copy correct plot.
- Etalon peak finding mode works with partially calibrated plot;
speed up.
- ComboBox form settings were not restored correctly from a .pgo
file if previous value was not the default.
- Speed up selecting states by index number; this was very slow
if no J selection.
- Add choice of methods for timing; note that no method is
guaranteed to give sensible values, particularly on multiple CPU
- Empty line list not always saved as empty.
- JCAMP-DX files with units of "MICROMETERS" not loaded correctly.
- Transitions with Colour = clHide now not used for contour
- Some default values written to .pgo files.
- Use "FrequencyScale"
Log of older changes